#Bel-Air: Carlton, The Anti-Black Powder-Head…
#Whoopi, Just Hush!
#50Cent Backpedals and Apologizes to #MeganTheeStallion…
#SouljaBoy Adds His Two Cents…
#AriesSpears, No One Summoned You.
Surviving R. Kelly: #Chappelle Was Right…
#KevinGates Out Here Drinkin’ Urine…
#J.Prince Think He Playin’ Jedi Mind Tricks…
#Omeretta Need to Go Back to School…
#Wack100 Blames #Chrisean For #BlueFace Failing Career…
#Tyrese & #Ray-J: The Gworls Are Fighting For #WillSmith & #EddieMurphy …
Clout Chasing: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished… #GucciMane #BigScarr #DebAntney
Bad Business: #PinkyCole
White Ppl Expecting to Benefit Off of What Black Ppl Create w/o Proper Compensation and/or Recognition…
A TV Show That Was Canceled That You're Still Mad About?
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