The Attempted New Year’s Eve’s Eve Episode Was A Dub…
So, Here’s A Redux For the New Year…
#NeverForget the Insurrection…
Blue Bag of Skittles Drought?
Kinfolk Kollective vs. The Biracial Bunch…
World Introvert Day! (January 2nd…)
Rest in Power, #GangstaBoo… #Boosie Said Crack is Better…
Tik Tok Celebrity Death Prank…
Elon Musk: The Saboteur…
Akon vs. The Diaspora…
#WendyWilliams’ Ex Attempts to Come For #Ashanti…
Lenard Doesn’t Want to Admit He’s A Power Bottom…
#GabrielleUnion Wanna Be the Man So Bad…
#Glorilla and Her Dookie Stains…
Meg & Tory Mania… #JoeBudden Entered the Chat… #VivicaFox Followed Suit…
The Pick-Mes & #RocNation Conspiracy Theorists Came Out to Play…
Kelsey A Fraud, Committing Perjury… The Bodyguard: M.I.A.
Dust to Slut-Shaming…
Remember When #TrickDaddy Was Fine?
When You Do Clownery, The Clown Comes Back to Bite, #YungJoc…
#Kandi, Let the Spoofs Go…
The Necessary Curriculum in Black Education…
Listen to Only Song From Each Artist For the Rest of Your Life…
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Podcast: @QueenVibesOnly
Shay: @QueenAboveGround / @CatchTheezNappz